6 a.m.- 358 (correct it)
7:30 a.m.- 290 (correct it again and bolus for breakfast)
11:30 a.m.- 316 (correction and bolus for lunch recorded by school nurse)
2 p.m.- 370 (correction and bolus for snack recorded by school nurse)
3 p.m.- receive call from school nurse telling me he's been high all day and that she's been careful about carb counts and that she's been correcting him each time she's checked him. I say it must be his infusion set and will change it when he gets home. She tells me he's been telling her how he's going to be on TV. Then, she says he's thirsty, and we say goodbye so that she can give him water.
4 p.m.- receive call from Brendon from his friend's home asking if he can play football. I say yes, but he must come home asap to change infusion set.
4:10 p.m.- he runs in, breathless, shrugs off backpack and jacket, lays down on the couch waiting for me to gather supplies. I change the set while he tells me he told his friend he'd return in 10 minutes. I do my task quickly. "That infusion set didn't even hurt", he says incredulously. I smile.
4:20 p.m.- "Thanks mom", he says. "Wait", I say, "let me check you to see if you need a correction". 290 pops up on the screen. I try to correct, but pump suggests I do not. Enough insulin must've gotten through during the last correction before he left school.
4:25 p.m.- "Have fun Brendon", I call out as he bounds through the door, jacket in hand. "Bye, mom", he yells back.
I sometimes wonder when diabetes will bring Superman to his knees.
That heartbreaking thought has brought me to mine.
7:30 a.m.- 290 (correct it again and bolus for breakfast)
11:30 a.m.- 316 (correction and bolus for lunch recorded by school nurse)
2 p.m.- 370 (correction and bolus for snack recorded by school nurse)
3 p.m.- receive call from school nurse telling me he's been high all day and that she's been careful about carb counts and that she's been correcting him each time she's checked him. I say it must be his infusion set and will change it when he gets home. She tells me he's been telling her how he's going to be on TV. Then, she says he's thirsty, and we say goodbye so that she can give him water.
4 p.m.- receive call from Brendon from his friend's home asking if he can play football. I say yes, but he must come home asap to change infusion set.
4:10 p.m.- he runs in, breathless, shrugs off backpack and jacket, lays down on the couch waiting for me to gather supplies. I change the set while he tells me he told his friend he'd return in 10 minutes. I do my task quickly. "That infusion set didn't even hurt", he says incredulously. I smile.
4:20 p.m.- "Thanks mom", he says. "Wait", I say, "let me check you to see if you need a correction". 290 pops up on the screen. I try to correct, but pump suggests I do not. Enough insulin must've gotten through during the last correction before he left school.
4:25 p.m.- "Have fun Brendon", I call out as he bounds through the door, jacket in hand. "Bye, mom", he yells back.
I sometimes wonder when diabetes will bring Superman to his knees.
That heartbreaking thought has brought me to mine.
Oh Shannon ... I just don't know what to say.
Kerri., at 4/12/2007 9:59 AM
I'm sorry, Shannon. Kerri's right, there's really nothing to say.
Nicole P, at 4/12/2007 12:10 PM
OK, with all due respect to my compadres, I know what to say. Don't get discouraged! I've had D for close to 40 years and I'm doing great. Remember, when I was dx'd we only had urine tests and for control purposes they were pretty pathetic. Now we have great technology to help us keep readings in line.
Shannon, you're doing a great job of taking care of Brendon. We all have the occasional unexplained 'high' day, but keep your chin up. With your good guidance there's every reason to believe he'll have a long and healthy future!
Keith, at 4/12/2007 1:28 PM
It's mentally draining, as a parent, to keep seeing those numbers pop up, even though we're giving insulin like crazy.
Just one of those days I guess. They happen in the life of a person living with this disease - but they're very draining to deal with.
You're doing the best you can and that's all you can do - you're a great mom - don't ever forget that.
Jamie, at 4/12/2007 2:43 PM
It's more of seeing how such a lousy day still couldn't stop Brendon from being enthusiastic for the things he enjoys.
I'm so used to him being so upbeat and impenetrable when diabetes should be hitting him hard, that I'm afraid I'm not prepared for the day when it does.
Shannon, at 4/12/2007 2:51 PM
What struck me the most was his amazing attitude. Thanking you for changing his site? Wow! Some kid.
Carey, at 4/12/2007 5:08 PM
OK, the thing is that some days suck for no good reason. You did everything you could.
We are not perfect and neither are infusion sets.
Continue to keep Superman away from kryponite, and he should be fine.
Good Mommy!
Johnboy, at 4/12/2007 6:08 PM
I am awed by Riley's attitude about this on an almost daily basis.
Sounds like Brendon is doing just fine.
But, big hug to you, Mom. It's tough watching and waiting.
Penny Ratzlaff, at 4/13/2007 10:34 AM
Superman flys because he believes he can.
He won't fall to his knees, because he has wings underneath him called love.
Anonymous, at 4/13/2007 11:35 AM
It is because you are such an incredible mom that he can be so carefree about his disease. You are teaching him all the right things to do, setting him on the path of really good habits, etc. He will be fine. He does not have to have meltdowns when he knows that no matter what, you will ALWAYS have his back. Let tomorrow worry about itself. =)
Vivian, at 4/16/2007 9:58 AM
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