Mom Wants A Diabetes Cure

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Look What Came In The Mail From Up Top and Down Under

Chris had a contest asking who Emma's best friend is when she goes to clinic. Even though I got the answer wrong (I guessed Mickey Mouse instead of Minnie...AND I double checked!), he was kind enough to award me this (which I happened to admire when I saw his JDRF Walk pictures):

Thank you Chris...and Emma :)

Here is what came from Down Under:

It's a care package from Brendon's penpal Demarco who we hooked up with via Kerri. They trade emails back and forth, comparing notes on everything from diabetes to what they did at school. It's fascinating to read about what goes on in his hemisphere of the world. Demarco is currently training his hypo dog that his mom, Kate, recently acquired for him. We had sent a care package to Demarco not too long ago and he enjoyed maple syrup for the first time (hopefully his numbers didn't spike from that...LOL).

Today was a great mail day.


  • Everywhere you turn you are a winner!! How fun is that!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/27/2007 6:12 PM  

  • Up Top and Down could write titles to movies. huh?
    Golly that shirt looks huge next to Bren. I'm happy you received it, i am assuming you just got it yesterday? If so our mail system sucks rocks. But you got it none the less.
    I hope you can actually wear it.
    Thanks for being perrenial on my blog. Its always nice to see that you check in.

    By Blogger Chris, at 6/28/2007 9:58 AM  

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