Say Hello
I saw on Penny's blog that it's National Delurk Day today.
Please delurk and make your presence known in the comment section :D I'd love to hear from ya's.
Please delurk and make your presence known in the comment section :D I'd love to hear from ya's.
Another delurking day. Well, you have been viewed and commented on and I can say that I am no lurk. Keep yup the posts on your blog. I love coming and seeing what is the latest and greatest.
Chris, at 1/11/2008 11:09 AM
Not a lurker, just a friend.
(You at least got 2 comments. I'm sure you'll get many more.)
Penny Ratzlaff, at 1/11/2008 11:18 AM
Hi...delurking. Sorry I haven't been leaving as many comments as of late, but I am reading!! I really hope we can do an East Coast meet-up in 2008!
Unknown, at 1/11/2008 11:41 AM
I'm delurking on mine next week, because I'm behind like that.
Anyway, HI!! :)
Sunshine, at 1/11/2008 12:02 PM
Stopping by and saying hi! I've been lurking lately, but only because I've been reading blogs at night & my brain doesn't work well enough at the end of the day to form comments!
Naomi, at 1/11/2008 1:27 PM
Hola Frijola!
George, at 1/11/2008 2:55 PM
I'm less lurky and more constantly bothering you. :)
Kerri., at 1/11/2008 5:04 PM
I'm here, lurking about in a totally non-creepy manner.
Paige, at 1/11/2008 5:09 PM
I'm like Kerri - I'm not so lurky with you, you know I'm always around! (oh great, now I sound like a stalker ... I'm not! really!) LOL
Jamie, at 1/11/2008 5:35 PM
Like Kerri and Jamie, I'm definitely not a lurker, but Guten Tag anyway.
Jillian, at 1/11/2008 6:04 PM
Hi Shannon.
In our case, shouldn't it be National D-Lurk Day? ;^)
Have a great weekend.
Anonymous, at 1/11/2008 7:08 PM
miss shannon,
i am present and accounted for!
Anonymous, at 1/12/2008 2:27 AM
I'm here too! Love the latest videos - always need a chuckle.
C.L.W., at 1/13/2008 12:24 AM
Hello everyone :)
Shannon, at 1/13/2008 8:41 AM
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