Bibs Are For Bitches And The Crazy State Trooper
I was reminded of "A River Runs Through It" and after I took the shot, as I walked back to my car, I noticed a flyfisherman who was hidden by some trees to the right (photo taken in Bethlehem). See more pics below the post.
I hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend. I know I sure did.
On Saturday I headed to the coastal, frigid waters of New Hampshire and drove to my favorite beach up the coast near Maine.
I positioned myself in the largest, nonpopulated spot I could find only to realize there were a gaggle of kids sitting directly in front of me fighting over digging a hole.
Oh you kids weren't supposed to be here! Get lost!
And they soon did.
I read as I sunbathed.
Time didn't exist for a while.
But, I did want to get to the teeny tiny lobster shacks situated along a nearby harbor before they closed, and bought myself a nice, live 2 lb. lobster along with a little load of steamer clams and cooked them up for supper. A Corona topped it all off nicely, thank you very much. And I didn't even wear a bib!
Ooh, I know how to push the envelope, baby.
The next day provided a little more of a story.
I packed a lunch and took a leisurely Sunday drive up Interstate 93 to mountain country. I took in the breathtaking scenery and made my way through a mountain notch which is very disorienting. The highway narrows down to one lane as it cuts through a mountain range and because the skyline disappears due to the height of the mountains, it's difficult to focus on the road ahead.
But I got through it and was singing to some of my favorite songs when I saw a State Trooper leaning against the guardrail on the right side of the road with a radar gun.
Great. Juuust great. Considering I was doing 80 mph before I could brake in time, and I was the only vehicle within range, I was convinced I'd get pulled over.
The Trooper wanted to waste no time, so he calmly WALKED TO THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING HIGHWAY....AN INTERSTATE HIGHWAY WITH A 65 MPH SPEED LIMIT!!!!! And proceeded to give the hand signal to sloooow doooown.
Like him standing in the middle of a highway isn't cause enough for me to slow down!
He puts up his hand to halt me, and in the other lane, a red pickup truck pulls up along side me who he halts as well.
People, we're stopped in the middle of a major highway with a Trooper standing in the middle of the fucking thing!
He motions for the pickup truck to pull over to the side of the road, and motions for me to move along.
Well blow me down.
He didn't pull me over!
You know you're too far up north when State Troopers decide they can do whatever crazy stunts they want.
So I went along my merry little 80 mph way up to an exit for the little town of Bethlehem which is about 2 hours south of the Canadian border, turned around after a failed attempt at photographing wild turkeys standing along the side of the road, and made my way back home.
I capped off the evening with a tasty steak dinner, and I FINALLY finished reading a book I've been reading on and off for the past year. "Empire Falls", by Richard Russo. I highly recommend it.
Here are some pictures (click to enlarge).
View driving along Route 1A.
View from my beach chair.
Another view from my beach chair.
Sweet dreams Mr. Lobster.
My Sunday drive to the mountains (where I encountered the crazy State Trooper).
Sounds heavenly and the pictures are beautiful :) *sigh* ... but .... but .... were you driving and snapping shots at the same time??? I guess that's the equivalent of talking on the cell phone and driving ... or texting and driving? LOL
I'm glad you had a good weekend Shannon - you needed to recharge :)
Jamie, at 9/03/2007 11:07 AM
LOL, Yes I was driving at the time, and actually taking pics while driving is worse than talking on the cell phone.
It made me dizzy and disoriented.
I wouldn't recommend it, LOL.
Shannon, at 9/03/2007 11:20 AM
Awesome, S... So glad you had a much needed break. Sounds like it was wonderful. Too bad you didn't get a photo of that crazy trooper... ;)
Nicole P, at 9/03/2007 12:48 PM
Dood, that Mr. Lobster-meet-Mr. Boiling-Water shot is fantastic! I love it.
Gorgeous pictures. That's what I miss so much about living out here at the other end of the state - no ocean. I miss it so much. I need to arrange a get away soon.
Heh. My WVW is mfuqq. Yes, I'm really an 11 year-old boy....
Major Bedhead, at 9/03/2007 2:07 PM
The pictures are gawwwwgeous. I love New England. We go to the beaches in CT & RI, where my in-laws are, and always have to dive into a bag of clam fritters. YUM!
Glad you had a good weekend, and I'm sending all good thoughts for the week ahead.
Naomi, at 9/03/2007 8:00 PM
What breath-taking scenery! Have never been to New Hampshire. A landscape painter's paradise!
Anonymous, at 9/16/2007 10:47 AM
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