Mom Wants A Diabetes Cure

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

He Wants To Grow Up

Brendon: Mom, do you think that uh, maybe, umm, I could have my own {glucose} kit so if I'm low or something I could check myself?

Me: Why don't you just use this kit?

Brendon: Well I just want my own kit so I could check myself. I want to keep it in my room or something.

Me: I don't see why you can't just use this one.

Brendon: I want some privacy when I do it.

Jeff: Jessica and Jake might get into it...

Me: So maybe when Jakey's five you can have your own kit to keep in your room. That'll be only a couple more years.

Brendon: So when Jakey's older I can have my own kit?

Me: Yup.

Brendon: OK, cool.


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