Mom Wants A Diabetes Cure

Monday, January 08, 2007

Cross Your Fingers.....

OMG, Brendon just left for school. And once I noticed it, there wasn't enough time to tell him to come back in and change. I feel like I sent my child out into the line of fire...I just hope he comes home alive and well.

He had gotten himself dressed this morning and as he walked out the door, I noticed he was wearing floods. And it's raining. So if kids make fun of him, at least he has an excuse.

Please pray for my baby's safe return, LOL.


  • LMAO - at least he did it to himself, if that eases the guilt a tiny smidge.

    By Blogger Erica, at 1/08/2007 9:34 AM  

  • This made me laugh out loud! Too cute. I get all kinds of grief from my husband and mom when I pick and lay out my 7 year olds clothes for school.. but this has happend to us a few times so now I HAVE too!!

    By Blogger Jenn, at 1/08/2007 9:59 AM  

  • Ha! Would it be too much to hope that these kids are too young to know what fashion is?

    By Blogger Lyrehca, at 1/08/2007 10:32 AM  

  • I hope seven year olds aren't trained in fashion, and don't care about floods!
    lol!! Though I understand your worry, because kids can be brutally honest about whaat is what, and who is who.

    By Blogger Tongue in Cheek Antiques, at 1/09/2007 8:51 AM  

  • ps Maybe honest is the wrong word, they can be blunt about such things!

    By Blogger Tongue in Cheek Antiques, at 1/09/2007 8:52 AM  

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