Mom Wants A Diabetes Cure

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

(Insert Creative Title Here)

I don't know what's harder....thinking of something to write about, or thinking of a creative title for the post. I'm not all that creative or clever when writing titles the way some other bloggers are. But I digress....

No gym for me today. Jacob has a cold which isn't much in and of itself...I'd send him to school today anyway, but he has diarrhea too. If he isn't puking on me, he's shitting on me instead. I didn't realize it leaked out of the side of his Pullup, so when I pulled down his pj bottoms, I dragged it down his leg and all over my hand.

6 years and counting of these nightmarish episodes.....

Luckily, the routine my personal trainer set up for me can be done at home too. I have the stability ball and some dumbells and an elliptical trainer, so I'm set. I copied down his list of exercises to bring home with me in case I couldn't make it to the gym.

No excuses!


  • I suck at thinking up titles too. Sometimes I don't even do one.

    Sorry to hear about the diarrhea. Danielle just had a spell of it this morning too - nice.

    I should follow your footsteps and work out at home today. I'm off to the gym tomorrow though - twice (once to work out, once for my fit start class). The worst part for me is getting up the energy to actually GO to the gym. Once I'm there, I feel good afterwards.

    Ok, kids beating one another - must go!

    By Blogger Jamie, at 10/25/2006 10:47 AM  

  • Yeah, I'm not very good w/titles either.

    Sorry you've got a sick little one. Even though mine are older we've managed to escape sickness so far... hope it holds.

    Way to stay consistant w/the workouts!

    By Blogger Keith, at 10/25/2006 11:54 AM  

  • Hey thanks Keith! It's good to see you commenting :)

    By Blogger Shannon, at 10/25/2006 11:56 AM  

  • I hope Jacob feels better soon!!

    By Blogger Penny Ratzlaff, at 10/27/2006 8:58 AM  

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